For the past 15 years Life Church, Heartland Bible College, and others have joined in helping Bobby and Noemi Pino with their work in the Philippines. The works include a Bible college, church plants, as well as other benevolent outreaches. Over the years Tony Fajkus has coordinated the charge through short term medical missions, crusades, and leadership gatherings.
These precious relational connections came as a result of Tom and Rita Hutchens who lead a Bible college in the Philippines in the early 90s. Bobby and Noemi where a part of the leadership of that college. After the Hutchens returned to the states the Bible college continued under the Pino’s leadership and was moved to Bais where the Pino’s planted a church. About 6 years ago the Pino’s moved the Bible College to Dumaguete City where they planted a base “Covenant Life Church.” These works continued in both places as well as outreach works in various locations through Bible College graduates and others.
There has been a growing desire in the Pinos to see the Bible college, church, and Leadership teams build with family and relational foundations. The Hutchens (along with other leaders) sensed a call to relocate back to the Philippines to join with the Pinos to see things move forward in a family relational direction.
About 14 months ago there was prayer over the Hutchens at the C2C Fall Conference to release them into this transition. About 5 months later Life Church in Kirksville with some of the Apostolic Team laid hands on them sending them back to the Philippines.
With the Hutchens on the ground joining with Bobby and Noemi they have been working to model and build in the direction of “God’s family together on God’s mission.”
Tony Fajkus and Doug Kreighbaum made a recent trip to the Philippines to encourage them and see how things are going. They hosted a “Building The Church Relationally” conference with leaders from some of the islands attending.
There has been very positive steps forward. Tommy and Rita have been working in the Bible College. Tommy has also been busy visiting former Bible College students who have planted churches in other locations as well as other leaders to help give strength and encouragement.
There is clearly a developing sphere there that will continue to be a great blessing to the Philippines. In this next season they are focusing on seeing the base expanded at Dumaguete as well as seeing church plants and other works continue to spread. We are looking forward to seeing what God will continue to do as that sphere of influence continues to develop in the direction of “God’s family together on God’s mission.” Pray for the Pinos, Hutchens, and the family in the Philippines.