Theological Training 22Theological Training Weekend #2 is fast approaching in April.  I think all who attended the last one in person or online saw the tremendous benefit.  For anyone who handles God’s word as “a workman” this training is a must! 

2Ti 2:15  Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. 

This session will be an important follow up to Biblical interpretation.  We will be exploring the important aspect of systematic study (Systematic Theology) which is an important tool for sound interpretation.  Our current generation is in dire need of a systematic approach to God’s revelation.  Many of the strange applications of God’s word would be avoided if those who minister took a more systematic approach to their study.   Systematic Theology is looking at all facts from God’s word on a subject, examine them in an inter-related manner, and with the aid of Holy Spirit determine what God’s says about it. 

The current generation in the body of Christ tends to be postmodern and pragmatic when it comes to truth which leads to horrible beliefs and practices.  There is an incredible spinning of God in much of Christianity. People highlight certain aspects of  God’s word disconnected from what else it says on the subject and end up presenting a spun version of God.  This is why everyone who handles the word needs to put into practice systematic study.  

In this session we will introduce you to systematic study, put it into practice, then look at the important subject of the nature and attributes of God based on His entire revelation from His word.    

Date: Friday-Saturday April 29-30th

Times:  Begin 7:00pm Friday (come a little late if needed due to work schedules but will begin at 7:00pm) through 4:00pm Saturday.  Lunch will be provided on Saturday.

Remote Online Hubs:  There will be remote hubs online for those who cannot physically be there to the distances.  Danny Dunn will the the coordinator and go to person for the remote hubs.  His contact information is 660 349-0599, or email

Contact for reservation and hospitality: Sherri Allemang 660-626-7181  

Please register by April 15, 2016, Hospitality is on a first come first serve bases.