One of the Core Committments (Our MIssion, Priorities, and Values) of our Salt & Light Family is Discipleship. Discipleship is about growing all of God’s people into maturity, so that each one can both enjoy relationship with God and play their full part in his mission. Therefore, everyone is called to be both making disciples and discipled in accountable relationships. All of God’s family, including senior leaders, are called to both become disciples and help make disciples according to the great commission of Mathew 28:18-19 “Go therefore and make disciples teaching them to put into practice everything I have commanded them.”
The great theologian, disciple, and martyr, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, said it accurately.
“Christianity without discipleship is always a Christianity without Christ.”
There is a new book that has been released titled “PURSUING A CULTURE OF DISCIPLESHIP: Becoming a church that follows Jesus together on His mission.” This book goes into detail about this important calling and family value of discipleship. It can be ordered in a Kindle or Paperback version from Amazon by clicking here.