Awaken to Our Purpose: Discovering the Church’s Place in God’s Grand Design
In the landscape of modern Christianity, high-profile leadership scandals, the rise of the deconstruction movement (often seen as an admired badge of honor), and a cultural ethos of victimization leading to excuse-ism have collectively driven a wedge between many...
Correcting Misunderstandings and Empowering God’s People for Biblical Fellowship
Today, a significant misunderstanding of the Biblical concept of 'fellowship' prevails, and its...
Awaken to Our Purpose: Discovering the Church’s Place in God’s Grand Design
In the landscape of modern Christianity, high-profile leadership scandals, the rise of the deconstruction movement (often seen as an admired badge of honor), and a cultural ethos of victimization leading to excuse-ism have collectively driven a wedge between many...
Scandals in Leadership: The Cost of Ignoring Biblical Repentance
John Angell James ( 1785-1859), "When a preacher of righteousness has stood in the way of sinners, he should never again open his lips in the great congregation until his...
Seeking God to End the 21st Century’s “Lobotomy Movement,” Gender Reassignment Surgery
I remember watching the PBS documentary called “The Lobotomist” about the horror of the lobotomy movement in mental health history. Its introductory advertisements accurately define it as “a gripping tale of medical intervention gone awry.” The trailer for the...
Overcoming the Pentecostal Craziness of “Don’t touch the Lord’s Anointed”
The exposure of deeply troubling hidden sins among prominent leaders in recent months continues to provoke a sense of "leadership sin shock" within the church community. Questions resound: How could such respected figures commit these acts? How were cover-ups...
An Unbiblical and Dangerous Response to Charismatic Craziness Pt 2
In my last article, “An Unbiblical and Dangerous Response to Charismatic Craziness,” I set forth some problems with the unbiblical responses to the leadership failures and crazy expressions in Charismatic circles around moving in the gifts of the Spirit. Some people...
An Unbiblical and Dangerous Response to Charismatic Craziness
The unfortunate reality of leadership scandals, particularly within charismatic circles, has been glaring in recent years. In my geographical area, known for its prophetic and charismatic fervor, there have been unsettling revelations with the IHOP scandal of...
Being His Witnesses: Steer Clear of Both Types of Pornography
If there was ever a time in history...
Non-Christians Can Have A Greater Awareness Of Who Jesus Is Than Some “Christians” A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS will not be aired again on network television in 2023. It has been a beloved part of our Christmas culture since 1965, but the controversy of the past few years continues to keep it off of network...
Love Covering Sin Is Not an Excuse for a Cover-up
The church world is facing another “sin shock” with the allegations coming to light surrounding the IHOP community. How could this be happening again regarding their movement? Could the scandals surrounding the prophets, among them in the 90s, appear to be coming...
Ministry of God’s Word Is More Than We Think!
Preach it! Can they minister the word? Are they good preachers? Can they bring it? They have got to be able to preach!!!!” When evaluating leadership and “ministry gifts” in our contemporary church culture, preaching/teaching always seems to rise to the top of the...