Wouldn’t it be great if there were evangelists who didn’t just conduct meetings? Wouldn’t it be awesome if Evangelist didn’t just lead crusades but stirred and equipped local churches to be evangelistic all the time? We desire to see the evangelistic engine in each local church in full operation all the time. To do this we need Ephesians 4 Evangelist “equipping” the church to fulfill her evangelistic call.
We are having an Equipping Evangelist Summit 2 at Odessa, Mo, May 3-5th. We want to gather those from local congregations who have Ephesians 4 evangelistic call, those with evangelistic graces, as well as local leaders who will benefit from the equipping. In this summit we will be highlighting the issue of the supernatural in “Dealing with the Demonic in Evangelism “
We are privileged in the C2C family to become connected to Glenn Middleton as well as others from among us like Jim Morgan who are recognized E4 Evangelist and will participate in the summit.
Some of our goals for the Summit are as follows:
*Connectivity and/or discipleship between seasoned E4 Evangelist and other younger E4 Evangelist and/or those with Evangelistic graces.
*A sharpening of revelation and concepts to help evangelist both evangelize and equip local churches.
*Help leaders and/or elders understand those with Evangelistic graces so there can be a greater release in teamwork.
The Dates: Friday, May 3rd, starting at 7:00 pm through Sunday morning, May 5th (for those who can stay over). They have great accommodations with plenty of guest rooms and meeting rooms to host us.
The Cost: It should be fairly minimal, as last year. We probably will have a price per meal to help the Odessa church with expenses and probably will take up an offering to help with our guest speaker.
Again we want to see those in our local congregations that have an E4 evangelistic calling, as well as those we evangelistic graces to come and connect with others of like grace for equipping and mutual encouragement. We would also like to see a representative from the local eldership teams attend to help bridge what goes on with the local church government. The church in Odessa has agreed to host the gathering in their beautiful retreat center. It is much closer to the KC airport and is a great setting for the event.
To Register: Please let us know if you plan to addend ASAP! Hospitality will be limited! You can call Crystal Lotterer at 620 231-6881 or email clotterer@covenant-harvest.org.