The following is a prophetic word from Scott Woodard for the C2C family received during the Fall Conference in Pittsburg.
There is coming a day of persecution and heaviness for your churches and it’s leaders.
For there will be a drawing away in local cities and it would appear your coals are going dim for a season. Know you will feel the weight of demonic struggle and the rejection of men around you, even from those who call themselves my church.
Know a great darkness will consume the land and a great hopelessness upon the peoples. There shall come a cry out of the darkness from those who would be consumed by it, a cry from those grasping for hope and a refuge. These are those I have marked to escape this great delusion and I shall bring many to you.
In this day, I will blow upon you and your flame will become brighter than you have known. For you shall be a light in the darkness and men shall come to you whom you did not expect or seek out. Do not look at your size and say we are insignificant. Do not measure your role by your collective numbers. Though you appear small now, know you are a chosen diadem for me.
These are not the days of hiding. These are not days of living in defense of your stance. These are the days of the changing of your posture, the changing of your minds. For in these days you shall no longer defend your family to justify your existence, but in these days there will be arising in your heart of me and my purposes. For I will put in your hearts the passion for a people you have not known, the reclamation of a land and territory that I have promised to you. For I have placed each of you in your plots of land (cities) by design and I have kept you from your calamity for my own cause.
I declare to you, you have yet to discover my true intentions for you for I have been preparing you for a day yet to come. For you have a been a small band set aside for me but I shall cause this hidden people, carrying a hidden voice to suddenly come forth among the ashes and echo a call through the land to those wandering in the darkness.
In this day, you who say we are small and insignificant will be overwhelmed by those clinging to you for hope. In this day you will understand my purposes that I have been weaving together for these many years. My church is not to be a place of pleasure for your flesh but a place of refuge for your souls.
Do not approach these days blind or unaware but understand the days are evil and will grow even more so, but I am with you and my will to be done is coming with me.
Who will I find awaiting my instruction, who will go with me?