According to the book of Ephesians the main design for the Ephesians 4 ministries (apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers) is to equip the saints. Eph 4:11-12 And He gave some as…evangelists,…(Amplified) (12) His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ’s body (the church).
The word translated “equip” means much more than simply teaching or preaching. Equipping means “preparing, furnishing, and equipping.” The basic idea of equipping is “putting a thing into the condition in which it ought to be.” It carries with it the idea of providing what is needed so the thing (God’s House) might serve the purpose for which it is made.
Equipping is not just preaching messages, conducting crusades, or doing evangelism. It is inspiring, encouraging, providing example, mentorship, and the spiritual dynamic released into people so the church will move in the evangelistic nature of Jesus.
Ephesians 4 evangelists are not simply to hold crusades or mass evangelism activity. They are to equip the saints so the church can become evangelistic everyday.
We are hosting an equipping evangelist summit again in Odessa Missouri on April 11 through the 13th, 2014. Our desire as we gather and see some of our Ephesians 4 evangelist equip those gathered so local churches more effectively take on the evangelistic heart of Jesus in every day life.
It was an amazing weekend n I feel I got so much more out of it this yr! Of course last yr I was way over whelmed with so much more! Lol! Thank u for letting me apart of this!