God is, and always was, a Divine Family (Father, Son, and Spirit). His nature is family and everything He does in and through us should have a family feel.
Eph 3:14-21 (MKJV) For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom the whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name (identity)…21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
People can wonder what sort of an organization C2C is. Is it a fellowship/network of ministers or churches? A more accurate description is that we are a family of families. It is kind of like the people of God in the Old Testament. They started out as a family that grew into a family of families. Each tribe started out as a family that multiplied into a family nation.
There is a universal truth in God that healthy things need connection with something bigger and beyond themselves. Mankind needed connection with the Godhead. Adam needed connection with Eve. Each member of the human body needs to be connected to others beyond themselves (this was Paul’s metaphor of the church). There are great benefits of being joined into a natural family, a local church family, and a family of churches beyond your own. The following is a story that reflects some of those benefits when it comes to raising our children.
My fifteen year old son recently attended a youth gathering in Raleigh NC. A few months before this meeting he had met an eighteen year old young man from that church. These two young men are from different churches, in different cities, with different cultures. Since their first meeting, I have been hearing from my son about this other young man. They text back and forth to keep up with one another. A good part of their conversations surround the purposes and plans of God in their lives. Remember, these are teenage boys, young men in the making. Yes, there have been conversations about typical guy stuff, but largely they talk about God. And, they built anticipation for their next meeting a few months later.
Then, the meeting came, and the boys joined together again. This time with their dads alongside. It is an interesting dynamic as both fathers and sons are building relationship at the same time. A great weekend meeting for both generations was capped off by a time when the Lord was moving strongly and young people were praying for one another, and the generation ahead was praying for the generation behind. Then, one father was praying for his son, and felt a strong sense that the other young man was to pray for his son as well.
Soon after, the other young man came alongside and confirmed that he needed to pray for his friend. He delivered a prophetic word, and the Spirit of God confirmed the message. It was a wonderful display of God’s power uniting two cities, two families, two fathers, and two young men.So how is it that a fifteen year old and an eighteen year old from different parts of the country, from different backgrounds are so connected? And, how is it that their fathers are growing together as well with a different purpose in mind, yet woven together for a common purpose to see the Kingdom of God built from city to city, shore to shore (C2C = Coast to Coast)? It’s legacy that’s alive, or should I say, we’re living legacy! It’s great to be connected to a greater family of churches.