Our C2C family has been blessed over the years with very seasoned Ephesians 4 Prophets such as Buck Hudson, Tom Bedford, and Paul Kidd. Last September at our annual C2C conference two of the younger prophets, Scott Squires and Jeremy Pingel were brought before the gathering and hands were laid on them for a fresh commissioning among our family of churches. In March Scott and Jeremy made a trip together to Casper Wyoming to impart their prophetic grace into Restoration Church.
During there time they talked about developing the prophetic expression of the Spirit in the context of the local church. They worked with home group leaders as well as others with developing prophetic graces. They fielded questions in a panel style format and helped alleviate some of the frustrations that come as part of being a prophetic person. They also gave insight as to what it is like to help disciple a prophetic person as a leader that doesn’t have that gift.
In the corporate gatherings they talked about the importance of the prophetic to break into new areas in the midst of local situations. The prophetic helps local churches see what is unseen and identify what God is doing in the midst of regular, everyday life, thus helping others to break through, contributing to the House of God becoming glorious in every local place. They also gave perspective on avoiding the prophetic becoming personality with a platform instead of being “the voice” like John the Baptist who decreases so Jesus can increase.
There was also prophetic ministry to individuals and families encouraging them about what Jesus was doing in and through them to contribute to the everyday life and corporate destiny of Restoration Church.
Justin Limmer, senior leader at RestorationChurch gave the following account of Scott and Jeremy’s time there.
Recently Restoration Church was blessed with ministry from Scott Squires and Jeremy Pingel. We are seeking God in raising a prophetic people that know how to hear God and walk in His ways. Scott and Jeremy brought a strong prophetic flow that centered around Jesus. Scott gave a strong emphasis on the prophetic being grounded in the church and building the church. Scott and Jeremy worked as a team during individual prophetic ministry, and God highlighted just the right people that needed a word to push them deeper towards Jesus. It is exciting to see how God is connecting churches across the C2C family as we see how we can best serve one another. God’s grace is unique to each of us, and we need each other.
Way to go Scott and Jeremy and may we see more of the Ephesians’ 4 Prophets rising up to equip local churches among our family.