In April the C2C family hosted an Evangelism Summit in Odessa Mo. The event was preceded by Glenn Middleton and Doug Kreighbaum traveling among some of the churches in the Midwest to “equip the saints” (Ephesians 4:11-13) in the area of evangelism. We were privileged to have Jim Morgan and Glenn Middleton, recognized Ephesians 4 Evangelist, imparting from their grace and stirring the saints to become more proficient in reaching the lost. Don White from Omaha gives a great account of how these events have influenced their local church.
Several days before the recent C2C Evangelism Conference in Odessa, Missouri we were privileged to host Glenn Middleton and Doug Kreighbaum at The Family Room in Omaha, Nebraska. Glenn challenged us with many wonderful stories, imparting a grace to share Jesus with our “FRAN’S” – Friends, Relatives, Associates and Neighbors.
He exhorted us to apply the Biblical mandate to share the Gospel, and reminded us what a privilege it is to share with those around us. He gave many practical examples we could use to invite people into our lives and into the life of the local church. It was a very powerful and practical evening. Glenn’s teaching was very gracious, and the impartation our church received was – “we can do this” or “evangelism for dummies!”
At the Evangelism Conference, Jim Morgan from our Raleigh (church) family, continued with this very practical and doable theme. God used Glenn to challenge us with a call to renew our passion for Jesus’ call to “win the lost!” Doug’s concluding message on Sunday morning was a call to fulfill the Biblical mandate of being fruitful, multiplying and filling the earth. It was interspersed with stories and Doug’s vulnerability in trying to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in sharing Jesus and praying with people in various public settings.
Finding Your Sweet Spot
Jim taught about sharing Jesus from or in your “sweet spot.” This is in reference to the people, places or circumstances where you tend to have the most grace or unction in telling others about Jesus. All of these teachings, examples and impartations challenged me to share in my “sweet spot!” One geographical location for me is my neighborhood. However, the “sweet spot” is not a specific place, but for me, it is with people in general, and quite often it is with strangers. By God’s grace, I like people and have an amazing comfort level in talking with strangers. God used my brothers’ teachings to release me to function in my God-given gifts and personality.
As a local church, we have begun to invite people again and have seen guests coming our last three Sundays. It is exciting thing to see some of them returning for their second and third visits. Last Sunday Geoff and Amber Bogatz presented their beautiful baby daughter, Sienna, to the Lord in dedication. Several of their friends and family members attended and all were touched by the Lord and enjoyed our time of worship and study of Jesus. One relative spoke to me following the meeting, and mentioned it had been many years since he had attended a church, and he had never enjoyed it as much as he did this past Sunday.
Something has shifted in the Spirit, and we believe it has been the impartation from God, through a five-fold evangelist, who released “an every man and woman evangelism grace!”
Thank you Father for those you send to labor among us and the deposit of life you have given us through them!
It was an awesome message n teaching I can’t wait til the next one!