The following is an account of the Evangelism Summit 3 by Mike Young a church leader from Grand Rapids Michigan.
Thanks again for inviting our church to the Evangelism Summit this year. I thought it was really encouraging with a lot of good ideas that will get us living outward and being inclusive with our lives. What a great family atmosphere there was at this gathering and it was good getting to reconnect with the people we met at last year’s summit. You just can’t beat the fellowship that comes with connections made by God.
I think I am as evangelistic as the next guy, but I can get so focused on the business of church and all that needs to happen on a daily/weekly basis inside the four walls, that it tends to distract my attention, causing me to forget that one of my main priorities should be seeking the lost. Weekends like this one help to refocus me and it gets a whole group of people in my church looking outward. We had about 10% of our average Sunday morning crowd at the summit and I expect that to translate into our community hearing the gospel more and that equals Kingdom Expansion! We all came back excited to share what Gods doing and go out into the church neighborhood as well as our own “backyards”.
What Glenn and Jim shared was very encouraging and doable – often a rare combination. I have been to plenty of “Outreach” training meetings, and usually left unchanged, and with a vague idea of how I would put this into action in my life. Emphasize vague. These guys brought the focus back to what I see Jesus do; it is all about loving people, not just some current thing that seems to be working somewhere. I know that our people are looking forward to the simplicity of just spending time with people and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
Simple things like having us sit with other churches during the weekend, to, sharing the different ways we are reaching out with the whole group, to giving each of us “the list” of ideas that are really working already. As an ex die maker, I like lists, and I like real and measureable ways to get something done.
I have heard that C2C has committed to having these Summits for 5 years ( I think that was the 3rd of 5) and I would like to ask you to consider now, to make it a permanent family value. I know there are lots of things we can spend our time on, and I know there are lots of things I need to grow in, but, Jesus came to seek and save the lost, so if there is something I really want to make sure I am doing, this would be one of those at the top of the list. Our church never forgets to have praise and worship each week, nor have a preach, announcements, Children’s Church, ect, but it seems that quite regularly we “forget” to share the most amazing news on earth – Jesus Christ is Lord and He gave His life so that we can have eternal life. I know I need help in keeping this in the forefront of all I do.
In any case, thanks again for all the hard work that went into this weekend and please tell everyone that served this weekend that they did an outstanding job.
May we see His Kingdom expanded through lives that are eternally changed.
Your friend, Mike
Very well said! I definitely came home this yr with some fresh ideas n have used some since!