Evangelist Eddie and Jim expressing in the natural the nature of their walk in the Spirit

Evangelist Eddie and Jim expressing in the natural the nature of their walk in the Spirit

The Equipping Evangelist Summit was held April 10-12 in Odessa Mo.   We are so fortunate to have long time recognized Ephesian’s 4 evangelist like Glenn Middleton and Jim Morgan among our C2C family equipping the saints to share the gospel.   There was a tremendous release of the heart of Jesus the Evangelist and many reports of the fruit of it through the local churches.  Eddie Moton a growing E4 evangelist who brought some great words and equipping at the Summit.  Here are some of the reports he has been receiving since the Summit.


Hey family,

I just wanted to share my heart on the impact of significance of the evangelism Summit. I am blown away by what God is doing!!! We are seeing people who would say ” somebody will do it ” be transformed to people saying ” why not us ,why not know?”. These are extremely exciting times for the body of God!!!

I really feel  that before Evangelism had become a show motor where people would view its beauty but never take her on a test drive. People who evangelize for show or out of duty but there was no power in that. Now what is being birth are believers to love the ones who they evangelize so it’s no longer about obligations but actions motivated by pure passion.

In these days the church is like grapes in a wine press. It’s a pressing  of the weight of the importance of God lost children. Making people want to give there all to find them. They don’t mind the press because is causing them to give more of themselves. People’s lives are being changed from presence followers to presence carrier s. The faith of the church is beginning to grow like a wild fire through dry weeds!

We have be receiving more are more texts ,messages and emails on the rebirth of the excitement of carrying the Gospel!!!! Here are a couple!!!!

Thanks Eddie

Sissy, Terry and Michelle brought 3 to the Lord yesterday.   I’m thinking at Celebrate Recovery.   I was so excited for them!!!!

I asked my neighbor to allow me to take her children to church Sunday.   She said yes.

Ask you shall receive!

…. (1/3) I am Rambo for Christ thanks to the ones being broke. God telling u to tell me i am a good son was the best thing thats happened to me. Now im back in coll (2/3) ege, still approaching girls but now i tell them about Jesus and not of myself. I have some stories if u would like to hear them! And plenty more will be  (3/3) made!!!
Hi Eddie,

Thank you for your messages this past weekend.     The summit has changed my life.

I have already directed a good friend to give her struggles to God and ask for his guidance.   Before this past weekend I don’t think I would have done that.  I told her where I was all weekend and after she talked I asked for permission to practice on her and told her what I thought.   There is more to the story but God’s hand was in the situation for both of us!

 Michelle, Mary, Tammy and I talked it all the way home!

God bless,

Karen   …..

 These are just a couple of many!!! God is breathing racing fuel into this fully functional motor of Evangelism and giving his children full access to take it on a test drive!! Feeling the weight of your purpose causes you to touch movement s of Jesus on the cross and be compelled to do something about it.

   Love you always,

   Eddie F. Moton Jr.

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