Reconnection in Zimbabwe

Reconnection in Zimbabwe

In November 2014 Mike Young was traveling with a Salt and Light team lead by Dave Richards in Zimbabwe.  While there through unexpected circumstances he crossed paths with some local leaders that he worked with many years ago but had lost touch.  Out of that...
Reconnection in Zimbabwe

Philippines Update

Here is an update from Tom and Rita Hutchens about the Philippines during June and July.  Download the link at the bottom to see a presentation of it with pictures. Hi Everyone, We are writing this epistle to bring you up to speed on the work of the Lord in the...

Sending to Plant in Billings, Montana

One thing Jesus clearly did while on earth, and continues to do today is join His people together in family relationships as they engaged in His mission to the earth.   In Matthew 9-11 and Luke 9-10 we see examples of how Jesus sent out the Twelve and the Seventy on...

Neighborhood Outreaches in Wyoming Michigan

I remember reading an article referencing a thought from the mayor of a Midwestern city.  The majority of the issues that our community is facing would be illuminated or drastically reduced if we could just figure out how to become a community of great neighbors....

C2C Medical Missions in the Philippines

In April several from our C2C family went on a Youth Conference/Medical Missions trip to the Philippines.  Bobby and Noemi Pino along with Tom and Rita Hutchens lead a Bible college and church with multiple outreaches/churches.  Part of our C2C family from three...