Jun 22, 2016 | Evangelism, Missions
Our motto which encompasses God’s design for His people is “God’s family together on God’s mission.” We are to be a missionary family! Both before and after Jesus rose from the dead He reveals this in our commission to be sent into the...
May 8, 2016 | Evangelism, Missions
In April several from our C2C family went on a Youth Conference/Medical Missions trip to the Philippines. Bobby and Noemi Pino along with Tom and Rita Hutchens lead a Bible college and church with multiple outreaches/churches. Part of our C2C family from three...
Nov 9, 2015 | Evangelism, Missions
Our C2C Family is recently being stirred by the idea of mission through open homes. Our call is to be both salt and light. Salt has to have contact to make impact. As people are able to get close to us in real life, what Peter described begins to happen. 1 Pet...
Oct 22, 2015 | Church, Evangelism, News
We are a family of Spirit filled disciples together on God’s mission. Missions is everyone, everywhere, all the time. It is both in the nations as well as in our neighborhoods and sometimes the nations are all around us. For nations that are in our...
Oct 12, 2015 | Evangelism, Missions
We are moving towards an emphasis of expansion through mission and extension. We have seen new plants across our C2C family facilitated mainly through homes. Some of our C2C family has recently had the privilege of having Stanley and Esme Mehta traveling among our...
Oct 7, 2015 | Evangelism, Missions
A couple of goals we have as a family of churches during the next season is extension through mission, and becoming more proficient in moving in God’s supernatural power. Missions is not just an occasional trip to a far away place in order to work for Jesus....