He Still Heals and Raises the Dead

He Still Heals and Raises the Dead

On Wednesday, November 2 started out like any other day for Bob Romine but a short time later everything changed.   He collapsed, his heart stopped, and he quit breathing. He was rushed to the hospital and quickly put on life support.  Medicine could not get his...
He Still Heals and Raises the Dead

New Move in Columbia, MO

When people think of church two things often pop into their mind, buildings and programs.  While buildings and programs are helpful, they aren’t essential in Jesus building His church.  An interesting fact is that there are 59 direct commands to His people to...
He Still Heals and Raises the Dead

Great Teaching In Light Of Recent Events

Harold Fobis who is laboring in Temecula CA did a great teaching regarding a Kingdom perspective on recent events with the elections and the uncertainty in light of them.  This is a very thorough Biblical approach for the people of God. It is worth a listen.  ...

Sending to Plant in Billings, Montana

One thing Jesus clearly did while on earth, and continues to do today is join His people together in family relationships as they engaged in His mission to the earth.   In Matthew 9-11 and Luke 9-10 we see examples of how Jesus sent out the Twelve and the Seventy on...
He Still Heals and Raises the Dead

Finding Family Among C2C

Our motto for both Salt and Light and our C2C family is “God’s family together on God’s mission.”  Family is the foundation and launching pad for all we do.  In Jesus’ last prayer on earth (John 17) He prayed three times that His people...
He Still Heals and Raises the Dead

Expansion in Rochester MN

When Jesus walked on this earth He was the “fullness of the Godhead in bodily form” (Col 2:9).  He demonstrated what God was like and showed us patterns of how He intended His people to operate as He began to build His church to engage His mission (Mt...